Monday, October 13, 2014

        On Monday October 13, 2014, Time published and articled called Funding Cuts Delayed Ebola Vaccine, Official Says.  This article has revealed that government spending on a vaccine for the Ebola virus has had a dramatically cut. If the Government had not stopped funding for a cure, the vaccine would've been available two years ago, and Thomas Duncan wouldn't have died. The government not only cut the funding for a vaccine by millions of dollars, but the government hasn't provided good enough procedures for doctors to treat patients the safe way, resulting in the infection of the nurse in Dallas. Which has also angered many nurses, some have even started protesting because of the poor training they are receiving. The government has hurt out society, and frightened us because there's no vaccine that can cure Ebola. People are coming into the U.S. from West African countries like Liberia, and we don't have the technology needed to stop the deadly virus. Hopefully the government doesn't cut the funding and we can have a solution to treat the Ebola virus that is getting closer and closer to our society.

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